
Rules and details for your free classified ads

Privacy Policy.

According to the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, called "Information and Freedoms" has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under number 1349368.
According to Article 27 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have at any time the right to access and rectify data concerning you. This right may be exercised by using the contact form


All the elements constituting (text, graphics, software, photographs, images, videos, sounds, maps, names, logos, trademarks, designs and works that can be protected from all types, databases, etc ...) and the site itself, within the French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property.
These elements are the exclusive property of Apart from the items made by outside people from who have not transferred their copyright.
Article L 122-4. Code of Intellectual Property:
Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the express consent of the author or his successors or assigns shall be unlawful.It is the same for the translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any technique or process whatsoever.
Article L122-5. Code of Intellectual Property:
When the work was disclosed, the author may not prohibit:
  • Private and gratuitous performances carried out exclusively within the family circle;
  • Copies or reproductions reserved strictly for private use and not intended for collective use, with the exception of copies of works of art to be used for purposes identical to those for which the original work was created and copies of software other than the backup copy made as provided in II of Article L. 122-6-1 and copies or duplicates of an electronic database;
  • Subject to be indicated clearly the name of the author and source:
    • Analysis and short quotations justified by the critical, polemic, educational, scientific or informative nature of the work to which they are incorporated;
    • Press clippings;
    • Dissemination, even in full, by the press or broadcast, as news of current events, speeches delivered to the public in political, administrative, judicial or academic and in public meetings of a political and official ceremonies;
    • Reproductions, full or partial works of graphic or plastic for inclusion in the catalog of a judicial sale conducted in France for copies made available to the public before the sale for the sole purpose of describing the works of art for sale.
      An Order in Council of State defines the characteristics of documents and conditions of their distribution.
  • Parody, pastiche and caricature, observing the rules of the genre.
  • The steps necessary to access the content of an electronic database for the purpose and within the use by contract.
Accordingly, the user undertakes not to:
  • use or query for the account or benefit of others
  • duplicating, for commercial purposes or not information or advertisements on these
  • consolidate all or part of its contents in a third site, for commercial or non
  • copy the information on media of any kind to reconstruct all or part of the source seek the help of Internet users, whether advertiser, buyer or just a visitor to contact us through the contact form to report any ad that it considers not comply with our site and the ethics that we have set and which we could escape to remove this one as soon as possible if is not responsible for any problem with classified ads or users

Rates and Rules Writing Your Ads

Your ad may contain 5 images and a maximum of 100 characters for the title and 10000 characters for the text in each of the languages offered.
The publication of classified ads on is 100% FREE and unlimited.
Writing classified ads must respect the rules below and all ads will be subject to control by to be validated. This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented if necessary by without this could lead to any compensation to the advertiser . It is for advertisers to check this list to ensure that the content of their ad is in accordance with the rules of writing. reserves the right to remove an ad if it determines that the ad is contrary to morality, it is likely its content offensive part of the population or it fails to comply with the legislation, although terms of the announcement are not included in the list below. seek the help of Internet users, whether advertiser, buyer or just a visitor to contact us through the contact form to report any ad that it considers not comply with our site and the ethics that we have set and which we could escape to remove this one as soon as possible if is not responsible for any problem with classified ads or users remains the sole decision-maker to withdraw an advertisement which it considers non-compliant with the rules set when dubious or simply to them, without entailing any compensation or damages to the advertiser.
Classified ads must comply with: privacy, morality and rules of morality, copyright, legislation, religion whatsoever and do not refer to the different human races. As you publish/confirm your ads, you automatically agree the rules of using our website.
Once written, your ad will be checked and validated by us to verify that it respects our rules.
  • Firearms and explosives, even fake or disabled for purposes of toys and collectibles.
  • The knives (knives, swords and others).
  • The weapons used in martial arts.
  • The goods and items subject to embargo.
  • Items stolen or stolen goods.
  • Lottery tickets and gambling.
  • The games involving potential gains.
  • Credit cards or reproduction and any form of payment.
  • Financial products.
  • Official documents issued by states (maps, certificates, permits, etc...).
  • The contracts of all kinds.
  • The tickets of all kinds.
  • Decoders and other means of decrypting or hacking.
  • Drugs, illicit substances and objects.
  • Medicines and other products or plants used for therapeutic purposes.
  • The products of para pharmacy.
  • The mailing lists.
  • Personal data used for commercial or other purpose.
  • Counterfeit money, counterfeit stamps and other forgeries of payment.
  • Franking machines.
  • Machines to receive an electronic payment.
  • The objects of a sexual nature, even for adults, which affect the morality or simply may offend morality.
  • Items pedophiles or referring to pedophilia.
  • Classified ads encouraging them to connect to sites with sexual characteristics.
  • Items affecting human dignity.
  • Articles or classified ads with any sectarian character.
  • Goods prohibited or subject to regulation.
  • Counterfeits of all kinds.
  • Cigarettes and other tobacco products.
  • Equipment for opening locks.
  • Bodies and any other product of human or animal body, even fur.
  • Illicit substances or dangerous.
  • Chemicals of all kinds.
  • The object and ads promoting violence or racial hatred.
  • The Nazi objects or denial.
  • Animals protected or whose importation is prohibited, even for products from these animals.
  • The so-called dangerous dogs "1st Class" and "2nd class" to be declared to the authorities.
  • Classified ads cannot reproduce or make reference to all or part of speech or quotations from politicians, famous or simply public.
  • Ads about surrogation and egg donation if there are not mentioned the companies (Agencies, Hospitals, etc.) names (official/commercial) and status.
  • Ads about prostitution and trafficking (even if they are mentioned indirectly).
  • Vacancies/Job offers should include information about the hiring companies (registration/commercial names, address, etc. that lets visitors to recognize the company).
  • Any other subjects or actions that are not mentioned above but are against the morality and Georgian body of low.
  • Doubled ads are not allowed.
  • Users are not allowed to have doubled accounts (more than one).
CAUTION: Moderation classifieds
All small advertisements are validated by us. Small ads commercial advertising or have redirects or similar communications are prohibited.
Classified ads whose content or subject matter is questionable or likely to offend some people will be systematically removed.
The seller shall submit one ad per item, in a single heading.
The announcement must be confined to a single subject unless it is identical items.
IT IS THE ADVERTISER to consult it regularly.
REMEMBER! seek the help of Internet users, whether advertiser, buyer or just a visitor to contact us through the contact form to report any ad that it considers not comply with our site and the ethics that we have set and which we could escape to remove this one as soon as possible if is not responsible for any problem with classified ads or users
In advance we thank you and wish you good transactions :

More services to increase your chances

We offer several options to help increase your chances.

VIP Classifieds

VIP ads are displayed at the top of each page. A maximum of 10 VIP ads are displayed on each page and are chosen at random.
We reserve the right to remove any classifieds in case of non-compliance with our rules. No refunds will be made.

Instant Validation

After any modification of your ad, it will not be visible to the public until our team checks and validates it. To skip this waiting time and to allow other users to view your ads immediately, you may select this service.
We reserve the right to remove any classifieds in case of non-compliance with our rules. No refunds will be made.

No banner

We rely on banners to keep our website accessible to everyone free of charge. We apologize if your page takes longer than usual to load. If you would like to avoid these banners and a faster display, you may select this service.

Universal calculation Unit - GancxCoin (GNX)

In order to be a VIP or activate other services, you first need to credit your account with GancxCoin (GNX).


Super VIPVIP PlusVIPshopInstant validationNo banner
14 days44GNX22GNX11GNX55GNX110GNX11GNX
21 days60GNX30GNX15GNX75GNX150GNX15GNX
30 days92GNX46GNX23GNX115GNX230GNX23GNX

Payment Methods


Fill in the form below or click on "Add credit" from "My account" page, then transfer the requested amount on the address that will be shown. Your account will be credited within 10 minutes following your payment. We currently accept Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
Bitcoin : 1 GNX : 0.0000204BTC (1€)
BitcoinCash : 1 GNX : 0.00366986BCH (1€)
Litecoin : 1 GNX : 0.01791473LTC (1€)
Ethereum : 1 GNX : 0.000485587755419159ETH (1€)
